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allowEmptyFormatting boolean

default: false

By default PatternFormat component does not apply formatting when value is empty (null, undefined or ‘’). If you want to apply formatting on empty values set allowEmptyFormatting to true.

import { PatternFormat } from 'react-number-format';

<PatternFormat format="+1 (###) #### ###" allowEmptyFormatting mask="_" />;

format string

default: undefined

It defines the format pattern using the # (or a patternChar ) character. # is the placeholder character for numbers.

import { PatternFormat } from 'react-number-format';

<PatternFormat value={123123} format="### ###" />;

mask string | Array<string>

default: undefined

Used as mask character for numeric places, until any numeric character is provided for that position. You can provide different mask characters for every numeric positions by passing array of mask characters. Note: The length of mask characters should match the numbers of # patternChar.

import { PatternFormat } from 'react-number-format';

<PatternFormat value="411111" valueIsNumericString format="#### #### #### ####" mask="_" />;

patternChar string

default: #

This helps define the format pattern character.

import { PatternFormat } from 'react-number-format';

<PatternFormat format="%% (%%%)" patternChar="%" value={23456} />;

Common Props

Other than this it accepts all the props which can be given to a input or span based on displayType you selected.

Other exports

With v5.0 we expose some more utils/hooks which can be used for customization or other utilities

patternFormatter (numString: string, props: PatternFormatProps) => string

In some places we need to just format the number before we pass it down as value, or in general just to render it. In such cases patternFormatter can be used directly.


1st. numString(non formatted number string)

2nd. props (the format props applicable on numeric format)

Return formattedString returns the formatted number.

removePatternFormat (inputValue: string, changeMeta: ChangeMeta, props: PatternFormatProps) => string

Most of the time you might not need this, but in some customization case you might wan't to write a patched version on top of removePatternFormat.

However for customization case its recommended to use usePatternFormat and patch the methods it returns, as lot of other handling is done in the hook.


1st. inputValue: the value after user has typed, this will be formatted value with the additional character typed by user.

2nd. changeMeta: This is the change information rnf sends internally, its basically the change information from the last formatted value and the current typed input value.

The type is following

from: {start: number, end: number},
to: {start: number, end: number},
lastValue: string

3rd. props: all the numeric format props

Return numString returns the number in string format.

getPatternCaretBoundary (formattedValue: string, props: PatternFormatProps) => Array<boolean>

This method returns information about what all position in formatted value where caret can be places, it returns n+1 length array of booleans(where n is the length of formattedValue).

Most of time you don't need this, but in case if you very specific usecase you can patch the function to handle your case.

See more details on Concept

usePatternFormat: (props: PatternFormatProps) => NumberFormatBaseProps

The whole numeric format logic is inside usePatternFormat hook, this returns all the required props which can be passed to NumberFormatBase. For customization you can use to patch methods returned by usePatternFormat and pass to NumberFormatBase.

See more details in Customization